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BNP Paribas' Commitment in favour of refugees in Europe

The BNP Paribas Group and the Foundation oversee a European-scaled aid programme in about 10 countries that facilitates the professional inclusion of refugees and learning the language of their host country.

Last update: 14 March 2025

Strong and renewed commitment of the Group since 2015

When over a million refugees arrived in Europe in 2015, and subsequently the severe humanitarian crisis followed, BNP Paribas decided to support non-profit organizations supporting professional and social integration as well as NGOs focused on humanitarian aid.

This commitment strengthens in 2018: the BNP Paribas refugee aid programme now embarks 10 countries with an renewed associated budget to support initiatives on the ground for the 2019-2021 period. The programme focuses on professional integration and learning the language of the host country.

In 2021, 22,500 refugees benefited from the BNP Paribas programme, more than half of whom were minors.

In 2025, the bank reaffirms its intention to continue this triennal scheme – over and every three years – with the same goal: enable refugees, both minors and adults, to learn the language of the host country in order to better integrate, find professional training, go back to school, receive support, receive coaching, gain autonomy and find a job.

In Europe, BNP Paribas continues to support refugees, by promoting their integration in host coun…

It is also a commitment that participates in the Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Beyond this aid programme, BNP Paribas supports numerous efforts to assist refugees in Europe, notably through the support of more than 20 social-business structures helping young refugees integrate the labour market.

Refugee programme: key figures


European countries

involved in the programme in


associations supported

across Europe in

>€ 17M


by the Group to the Refugee programme,
since 2015

(excluding contributions in Ukraine)

Field work in favour of refugees integration

To this date, to contribute to this Corporate Philanthropy programme, managed by the BNP Paribas Foundation:

  • 11 countries are involved: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
  • In 2025-2026-2027, Netherlands join the programme.
  • All these partnerships are tied with organizations working locally on the ground and in collaboration with the local BNP Paribas teams.

Conferences to raise awareness and mobilise all the stakeholders

As an extension of its support actions, the Group takes part in different events dedicated to the challenges of integrating refugees into the workforce.

Since 2021, the BNP Paribas Foundation organises an annual conference on topics related to migrations and challenges of refugees’ professional integration.

Annual conference by the Foundation