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Tackling social inequalities and early school leaving

Last update: 19 July 2024

Youth and mentorship

From the start, the BNP Paribas Foundation has focused on developing initiatives in favour of young people, with special attention to the most vulnerable of them, notably through mentoring.

Mentors guide young people in their educational paths – learning, autonomy, schoolwork, and orientation – and in their integration into working and professional life.

BNP Paribas has the most employee-mentors of any company in France.


is the number of employee-mentors at BNP Paribas

Our support is provided in this framework, including our long-standing support to the Afev non-profit organisation. It is the top network to create connections between on campuses and underprivileged neighbourhoods by developing solidarity programs where thousands of students get involved helping local children, teenagers and residents.

Since 1996, the BNP Paribas Foundation has promoted tutoring (through student mentorship and volunteer work “in residence” in schools) as well as solidarity house-sharing by its volunteers.

Afev since 1992:


engaged young people in solidarity (students mainly)




kapseurs and kapseuses (young housemates)




hours of solidarity engagement

The Foundation thus supports the following associations in favour of education and youth:

Responding to emergencies

A look back at the Youth Solidarity Plan for young people hit hard by the Covid crisis.

Reacting to emergencies is also part of the Foundation’s DNA.

In 2021, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic were felt hard by young people who may have dropped out of school, become isolated, or lost their bearings, along with other afflictions. In reaction to this sad state of affairs, in September 2021, the BNP Paribas Foundation launched an exceptional plan, called the Youth Solidarity Plan.

The aim? Supporting 14 associations having direct links to young people, around three pillars educational continuity, precariousness, and psychological and/or physical distress while continuing its long-standing work in equal opportunity.

Read more about this plan here (only in French)

Youth and school trips

Odyssée Jeunes

This programme funds educational trips of middle schools in Seine-Saint-Denis
(Paris’ northern and eastern suburbs).

In 2024, Odyssée Jeunes turns 15!

Since 2009: 62,000 student beneficiaries,
1,530 school field trips, 130 middle schools

(For more information: the Odyssée Jeunes platform; only in French)

Professional inclusion and entrepreneurship

The latest news